嬰幼兒 Infants Toddlers & Twos
- CNS 16212:2023 6個月至23個月嬰幼兒 公共遊戲設備Public use play equipment for children 6 months through 23 months
制定日期Date of Promulgation:2023(民國112)/10/06
美國系統ASTM System Ref.
- CNS 12642:2022 公共兒童遊戲場設備 Playground equipment for public use
修定日期Date of Amendment:2022(民國111)/04/15 - CNS 12643-1 遊戲場設備使用範圍內鋪面材料衝擊衰減性能試驗法-第1部:實驗室試驗法 Method for determining impact attenuation of surfacing materials within the use zone of playground equipment − Part 1: Laboratory test
制定日期Date of Promulgation:2021(民國110)/03/22 - CNS 12643-2 A1044-2 遊戲場設備使用範圍內鋪面材料衝擊衰減性能試驗法-第2部:現場試驗法 Method for determining impact attenuation of surfacing materials within the use zone of playground equipment − Part 2: Field test
制定日期Date of Promulgation:2021(民國110)/03/22
歐洲系統European Norm System Ref.
- CNS 16181-1:2022 公共兒童遊戲場設備及鋪面-第1部:一般要求事項及試驗法Playground equipment and surfacing for public use − Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods
制定日期Date of Promulgation:2022(民國111)/11/11 - CNS 16182:2022 衝擊衰減遊戲場鋪面-衝擊衰減 試驗法 Impact attenuating playground surfacing − Methods of test for determination of impact attenuation
制定日期Date of Promulgation:2022(民國111)/11/11